Questions? Here are some frequently asked ones.
Is Mindfulness Plus Church affiliated with a denomination?
Yes; Mindfulness Plus Church is listed on the official roster of synodically authorized worshiping communities affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). "Synod" refers to the local church governing body, of which there are 65 in the ELCA. "Evangelical" refers not to political persuasion or doctrinal fundamentalism, but rather, as Christine Ma-Kellams describes it, "evangelical" means that "I believe that the Bible wasn’t kidding when it said that Jesus came to save the world from itself and that this was the kind of good news worth sharing." Literally, "evangelical" means "pertaining to the gospel", and "gospel" means "good news". MPC is in ministry partnership with St. David's Lutheran Church, a congregation of the ELCA, located in the Academy Gardens neighborhood of Philadelphia. To learn more about the ELCA and St. David's, visit their websites: https://elca.org/ and https://www.stdavidselca.org/
Do I have to be Lutheran or Christian to talk spiritual journey and meditate together?
No; Mindfulness Plus Church is a community welcome to all. Our gatherings involve introductions, spiritual journey conversations and mindfulness of breathing and/or walking practice. There is no expectation of religiously/spiritually identifying a certain way. Emphasis is placed on individual religious experience, not on conforming to pre-established ideas.
Do I have to have experience with mindfulness or meditation in order to participate?
No; basic instructions on conscious or mindful breathing and/or walking are offered before each practice session. And, anyway, mindfulness practice is super accessible: when breathing in, note that you are breathing in, when breathing out, note that you are breathing out. When you act, know that you are doing that action. Simple, yet requiring concentration and continued practice.
How can I get involved?
Right now, Mindfulness Plus Church has one gathering on Monday evening. It is an invitation to everyone to take a moment, recenter towards your meaning and purpose and explore self-discovery, and most of all, enjoy your life (in-breath and out-breath).